Use cases
Use cases
List of common use cases for AY NDC
21.3 use cases are marked as such; all others are 18.1. Currently the amount of uses cases for 21.3 here is limited and is in the process of being updated.
If you wish to see a bigger collection of 21.3 use cases, check out the 21.3 starter kit page.
21.3 Base AirShoppingRQ & 21.3 Base AirShoppingRS
21.3 AirShoppingRQ with multi-bound, multi-pax, multi-cabin
21.3 AirShoppingRQ with promocode
21.3 AirShoppingRQ with calendar search
21.3 AirShoppingRQ with direct flights only
Base AirShoppingRQ & Base AirShoppingRS
AirShoppingRQ with multi pax & multi bounds & multi cabins & AirShoppingRS with multi pax
AirShoppingRQ with options (FF card, CLID, Promotion code, language & currency override) & AirShoppingRS with Promotion code
AirShoppingRQ with calendar mode & AirShoppingRS with calendar mode
AirShoppingRQ with account code (for special fares request) & AirShoppingRS with account code
21.3 Base ServiceListRQ in prime booking or Base ServiceListRQ in post sale & Base ServiceListRS
Base ServiceListRQ in prime booking or Base ServiceListRQ in post sale & Base ServiceListRS
ServiceListRQ with flight & pax selection & ServiceListRQ with multi flight & pax
ServiceListRQ with Free services request & ServiceListRS with Free services
21.3 Base OfferPriceRQ & 21.3 Base OfferPriceRS
21.3 OfferPriceRQ with ancillary & 21.3 OfferPriceRS with ancillary
21.3 OfferPriceRQ with Credit Card & 21.3 OfferPriceRS with Credit Card
21.3 OfferPriceRQ with multi pax & 21.3 OfferPriceRS with multi pax
Base OfferPriceRQ & Base OfferPriceRS
OfferPriceRQ with multi pax & OfferPriceRS with multi pax
OfferPriceRQ with ancillary & OfferPriceRS with ancillary
OfferPriceRQ with Credit Card & OfferPriceRS with Credit Card
21.3 Base OrderCreateRQ & 21.3 Base OrderViewRS (cash payment)
21.3 OrderCreateRQ with 3DSv2 credit card & 21.3 OrderViewRS with 3DSv2 credit card
21.3 OrderCreateRQ with deferred payment & 21.3 OrderViewRS with deferred payment
Base OrderCreateRQ & Base OrderViewRS (cash payment)
OrderCreateRQ with Credit Card payment & OrderViewRS with Credit Card payment
OrderCreateRQ with deferred payment & OrderViewRS with deferred payment (no issuance)
OrderCreateRQ with ancillary & seat & OrderViewRS with ancillary & seat (TKT & EMD)
OrderCreateRQ with 3DSv2 payment
OrderCreateRQ with pax data (FF card, CLID, Passport)
21.3 Base SeatAvailabilityRQ in prime booking or 21.3 Base SeatAvailabilityRQ in post sale & 21.3 Base SeatAvailabilityRS
Base SeatAvailabilityRQ in prime booking or Base SeatAvailabilityRQ in post sale & Base SeatAvailabilityRS
SeatAvailabilityRQ with pax selection & SeatAvailabilityRS with multi pax
21.3 OrderReshopRQ for void/refund & 21.3 OrderReshopRS for void and 21.3 OrderReshopRS for refund
21.3 OrderReshopRQ to update itinerary & 21.3 OrderReshopRS to update itinerary
21.3 OrderReshopRQ to add bound
OrderReshopRQ to reprice order & OrderReshopRS with repriced order
OrderReshopRQ to update FoP & OrderReshopRS with updated FoP
OrderReshopRQ to cancel (void/refund) order & OrderRehopRS with order Void or OrderRehopRS with order Refund
OrderReshopRQ to partially refund order & OrderReshopRS with partial refund
OrderReshopRQ to update itinerary & OrderReshopRS with updated itinerary
21.3 OrderChangeRQ cancel unpaid order
21.3 OrderChangeRQ for void order
21.3 OrderChangeRQ for refund order
21.3 OrderChangeRQ for deferred payment
21.3 OrderChangeRQ for price update (after repricing)
21.3 OrderChangeRQ confirm and pay for bag (post sale)
21.3 OrderChangeRQ confirm and pay for seat (post sale)
21.3 OrderChangeRQ add bound and 21.3 OrderViewRS with exchanged ticket
21.3 OrderChangeRQ for split and 21.3 OrderViewRS after split
OrderChangeRQ for deffered payment
OrderChangeRQ for price update (after repricing)
OrderChangeRQ for FoP update (after OB fee recalculation)
OrderChangeRQ for order update (ancillary addition or itinerary modification)
OrderViewRS after reissuance (with exchanged ticket)