21.3 Starter kit

21.3 Starter kit

To simplify the transition to version 21.3, have a look at these examples of common NDC use cases.

Also download the accompanying document in PDF form, which explains each use case in more detail.


Use case


Prime bookingShop for a flightSHP1
Prime bookingShop with ancillarySHP2
Prime bookingShop with seat and multiple PTCSHP3
Prime bookingShop with ancillaries and multiple PTCSHP4
Prime bookingShop with promocodeSHP5
ServicingAdd seat for one paxORD1
ServicingAdd ancillaries in exchangeORD2
ServicingPay for unpaid orderORD3
ServicingExchange with partial refundORD4
ServicingExchange with additional collectionORD5
ServicingExchange unpaid orderORD6
ServicingExchange with no additional collectionORD7
ServicingExchange partially flown orderORD8
ServicingExchange with ancillary lossORD10